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Click ops

Whilst the majority of our infra is defined in code, there are some instances where things have been done manually. This is documented here.

Route 53 / Domains


We used route 53 to register our domain.

We have registerded the domain in prod. Other AWS accounts such as dev all have ownership of their own subdomain to prevent cross account dependencies.

  • For this, in the hosted zone in prod, there is a NS entry for each environment subdomain, i.e. Dev will then have a separate hosted zone for the domain.
  • There's also an A record in each hosted zone mapping api.{env} to the the load balancer host name, which invokes our ECS containers.

AWS Certificate Manager

An ACM certificate has been created in the console in each environment so that we can serve HTTPS requests.

Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
- Type: redirect
Protocol: HTTPS
Port: 443
Host: '#{host}'
Path: '/#{path}'
Query: '#{query}'
StatusCode: HTTP_301
LoadBalancerArn: !Ref ApplicationLoadBalancer
Port: 80
Protocol: HTTP

Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
- Type: fixed-response
StatusCode: 404
LoadBalancerArn: !Ref ApplicationLoadBalancer
Port: 443
Protocol: HTTPS
- CertificateArn: !FindInMap
- mEnvironments
- !Ref pEnvironment
- CertificateArn

The snippet above shows the load balancer listeners configured. You can see for the HTTPS listener, we have attached the ACM certificate so it can serve HTTPS requests.

Also, the HTTP listener has a force redirect to HTTPS, so that we are only serving via HTTPS.

Secrets Manager

Our secrets in secrets have been manually provisioned. This is because secrets have to provide a value, when defining them in infra as code, and since these are sensitive information we do not want to hardcode them in.

General use-case for these secrets so far have been to provide the HECTARE env var our container and lambda's need for the platform decryption.

Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:hctr/encrypted-config:SecretString:HECTARE}}'

We inject these in directly from secrets manager with the resolve: syntax which reads a particular field from the secret object.

Note: Since these are injected in as env vars, they are visible in the console. If this is a concern, then we can supply the ARN of the secret and do a look-up inside the app to retrieve the actual value. In this case, the HECTARE value is needed on app boot-up so any such middleware would need to be ran immediately.`

IAM users & switch roles to switch between accounts.

Our IAM users have been manually created in the console. Any new user being onboarded should be added manually to the console in the relevant group in the prod account, they will then have automatic access to the non-prod environments too. (Read more here)

SAM Deployment user and roles

The SAM deployment user and role have been automatically created using SAM Pipeline. (Read more here )

Elastic function beat

A deployment role has been created to deploy the Elastic function beat lambda (our Elastic logs shipper) and a permission has been updated so that all log groups have permission to invoke this lambda.

IAM role for our tests

An IntegrationTestsExecutionRole role has been created in dev which our pipeline assumes when running tests as some tests interact with real AWS resources in dev such as Cognito.

The role has an IntegrationTestsPolicy attached to it. One of the permissions grants all access to any AWS resource with the tag Used_By_Integration_Tests set to true. Currently just our cognito user pool I believe has this tag set. If there's other resources needed for the tests, then it is just a case of applying that tag and it should work.

The exception of that is for S3 access, as the resource is the object in the bucket itself so the tag solution is not feasible.