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How do I add a new OpenAPI Schema?

Objective: This article explains how to add a new OpenAPI Schema and export it to the client.


  1. Add a new schema object to the relevant directory:
    • modules/<module>/contracts/api/schema/requests/
    • modules/<module>/contracts/api/schema/responses/
  2. Add the schema in the schemas object in the OpenAPI Document definition.
    • modules/<module>/contracts/api/document.ts


// modules/<module>/contracts/api/schema/requests/...
// or
// modules/<module>/contracts/api/schema/responses/...

export const MySchema: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject = {
type: 'object',
required: ['name', 'price'], // Forces properties to be not-undefinable.
nullable: false,
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' },
price: { type: 'number' }
// modules/<module>/contracts/api/document.ts

import { OpenAPIV3 } from 'openapi-types'
import * as paths from './paths/index.js'
import * as schema from './schema/index.js'
import { CommonOpenApi } from '@hectare/platform.components.common'

export const compose = (): OpenAPIV3.Document => {
const document: OpenAPIV3.Document = {
components: {
schemas: {
// This adds the schema to the FE client:
MySchema: schema.responses.MySchema
return document

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