How do I add a new value to a service configuration?
Objective: This article explains how to add a new unencrypted value to a service configuration i.e TradingConfiguration
- Add the new property to the service's configuration model.
- Seed the database with a default value for the new property.
// Add the new property to the service's configuration model:
export class MyConfiguration extends BaseModel {
newProperty: number
static collection = 'Singletons'
static id = 'MyConfiguration'
// Migration script to seed the configuration with the default value:
import { MyConfiguration } from '@hectare/platform.modules.<module>.core'
import { DocumentStore } from 'ravendb'
export const up = async (store: DocumentStore) => {
const session = store.openSession()
const config = await session.load<MyConfiguration>(
// Check if the property exists, if not, seed it with a default value.
if (!, 'newProperty')) {
model.newProperty = 123
await session.saveChanges()
export const down = async () => {}
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